A “METRUS” test bench
you can rely on

We are “Made In Germany”

We do follow a clear strategy: “The best, not the biggest”. Being engineers and technicians we take pride in the excellent image of products “Made in Germany”. To guarantee market leading quality, understanding your particular inquiry is always the first step to an efficient, easy and safe to operate test bench. Now and then the extraordinary seat tightness of our own valve technology is achieved by manual lapping each and every seat followed by a careful surface control under a microscope. However, the true secret of the METRUS’ outstanding test bench quality lies within our team. Experience is hard to just be recruited. We built it up over decades and we patiently pass it on to new and young team members. All our engineers, designers and technician are looking back on may years of personal experience in test bench design and manufacturing. Many of them are in the business for more than 20 years. We are proud of our products and as a team we stand by the quality we deliver.

As nobody is perfect commitment makes the difference

It is important to us that your test bench works smoothly for many years without interruption. And in case of any appearing problem, disturbance or question we will instantly take care of it being answered or solved in shortest possible time.